So initially I wasn't going to write this post because I was not pleased at first with the end result. However, I am the type of person who loves turning a negative into a positive and that is what I did.
As many of you probably have read, this past Saturday was the July meetup of the Cleveland Chapter of the
Ohio Blogging Association. We were participating in the Parma Area Relay for Life "Run for the Pierogies 5K." Lately I have been determined to run a sub-25 5K at a 8:00 pace. Saturday seemed like the perfect day to do so. The course was for the most part flat and it's always motivating to see so many friendly faces on race day! And, there were pierogies at the finish line. What more could a foodie/runner ask for?
I woke up a little more excited for this race then most other 5Ks. I was very happy when I got into my car at felt mild temps and little to no humidity. If I only knew what Mother Nature was planning as the morning progressed. After picking up my packet and finding everyone, I noticed something...hello humidity! I was not going to let it get into my head though. I found a place towards the front/middle of the pack, set the iPod and watch, and took off as soon as the bell rang. I did the first mile in 7:55 which on a non-humid day would have been PR pace. However, by the time we reached the water stop at the half way point, I knew that second loop was not going to be pretty. I was starting to feel fatigued and starting to slightly cramp. Just I was ready to give up and walk a bit, slightly past mile 2 or so, Kali caught up with me and we made sure we both finished the race together! After crossing the finish line, I quickly grabbed water and found shade. I felt so lightheaded and the thought of food was not appealing at all. No pierogies for me. I even did not feel up to joining the other bloggers for brunch as originally planned. I felt defeated.
Since I was in Parma, I figured a stop at
Honey Hut would cheer me up. Even after waiting in the parking lot for them to open, I opted to take my Blackberry Chocolate Chip home for later (sidenote: It is delish and a limited time flavor). All I wanted was water and a do-over of the race. By 5:00, I was still in a mood but finally regained my appetite. The bf and I headed down to Tremont for dinner at
Parallax. Finally checking off stop #1 on my
Tour de Bruell put me in a much better mood. I went with the Japanese Udon noodles since we also decided to go for a late night run too. (
Blogger fail, no picture). Everything about this dish, even the melts in your mouth pork belly, brought a smile to my face. The noodles were not too heavy and they were the perfect way to enjoy the soup which pleased my excess of umami receptors. For dessert, the sorbet trio (mango, blueberry, and raspberry) was the perfect palate cleanser for a hot July evening.

Two or so hours later with our dinners properly digested, we took to the streets of Lakewood for a late night run. By this time, the sun had gone down and the humidity was greatly reduced. Maybe it was the feeling of revenge I wanted or maybe it was the determination to prove something to myself, but that 4.75 miles was one of the best runs I have had in quite sometime. I really wish I timed it too. I need to figure out how I can work a two-a-day run into my schedule now. Monday morning also brought a pleasant surprise for me. Despite my bad time and the humidity, I managed to finish 11th in my age group out of 36. Another 5K goal I have is to be in the top 10 for my age group. One passion driving another passion. I really will run for food.
Until next time...follow your heart, fulfill your hunger!