Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Night Football: We Kicked it with Kenny

From two weeks off, to three days of practice in a row!  Thursday and Saturday were scheduled practiced, while Friday I was up bright and early to join players and coached from both #TeamBlonde and #TeamBrunette to Kick it with Kenny!

Lindsay, Kenny and me
If you missed #BvBCLE last Friday (or if your DVR did not record the last hour like mine did), I will post the video if I can find one.  While the segment was great PR for our game on June 16th at CSU's Krenzler Field, #TeamBrunette had a great practice running drills, plays, and a brief scrimmage against #TeamBlonde.  Kenny even stepped in as QB for #TeamBrunette too on one play.  We are coming together and will be ready to go come game day!    

Game tickets are a $20 donation to the Alzheimer's Association.  I am so close to my $250 goal and would love to reach it by the end of Tuesday (June 5th) to have my jersey personalized.  A huge THANK YOU to those who have donated and helped spread the word.

Until next time...follow your heart, fulfill your hunger!

**Disclaimer:  I have been asked to blog about my experiences as a player in the inaugural Blondes vs. Brunettes Powderpuff game.  I am required to attend at least 4 practices (done and still attending the last 2) and reach a $250 fundraising goal (almost there).  All opinions are 100% my own!**